Are you a fan of multi-tasking, but your phone keeps hanging? Well, not anymore! The Samsung Galaxy Z fold 4 is the perfect solution for you! It lets you do everything without your phone slowing down. This new phone is loaded with marvelous features that will make you want to save up and buy it as soon as possible. Therefore, this phone is our gadget of the week and here is a complete review of it!

If you really wanna know all the everything good, bad and amazing associated with the new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4, read on!

The Big Screen Is A Masterstroke!

If you start watching videos on the big screen of a phone, trust me, there is no going back! You would never want to switch to a smaller screen and even its imagination would put you off. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 comes with a massive screen of 7.6-inch display. Yet, it is one of the slimmest phones you would ever use!

The screen is bright, and you can have more application icons optimized on the screen now. The canvas is huge, and you can experiment in whichever manner you want when it comes to customizing it. This phone comes with a front panel that is much wider compared to the previous models offered by the manufacturer. Hence, all those who find it uncomfortable to use the narrow panel, this is a gadget to have!

Even though the screen is massive, it still doesn’t make the phone heavy, it’s not on the bulkier side, which makes it an easy-to-carry gadget. This is mainly due to the hinge that is much slimmer this time around.

Along with being huge, the screen is also quite long-lasting. Its durability has increased to 45% compared to the previous model. Therefore, even if it falls on the floor upside down, there are massive chances of the screen staying unaffected.

To further enhance your pleasure when you watch a video on the screen, the phone offers an OLED panel. It makes the entire experience of viewing a movie quite vibrant and colorful.

Exceptional Performance That Lets Multitasking Possible

Are you one of those people who have more than a dozen applications open on the phone at a time and keep working on all of them simultaneously? If yes, you must be annoyed by the fact that most phones tend to get slow with time. When you try to open multiple tabs or apps on your phone, it gets slow! Or, the worst, it gets hung. This leads to your annoyance and irritation as you are not able to complete your tasks efficiently.

With this phone, multitasking has finally become possible. It comes with a sturdy processor of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1. It’s strong enough to keep all the background applications running while you work on the current one.

The RAM of 12 GB further adds to your convenience. It ensures to provide enough power to the phone that everything works on it smoothly.

The new and improved software also makes multitasking possible. It makes it easier and efficient for you to switch applications. The task bar is innovative and quickly brings forward the application you want to work on. Hence, dragging and dropping becomes fun!

The Improved Camera Is Impressive

If you love taking pictures and have the passion to capture moments, you surely need to get your hands on Samsung Galaxy Z fold 4. Though a lot of people think the S series offers better camera results, this phone surely is not far behind. Its camera style is easily comparable with that of the iPhone’s.

The sensor is 23% brighter in this phone while the main camera is 50 MP strong! Alongside this, the ultra-wide camera has 12 MP, which is why you can capture really bright pictures even from the indoors.

Love taking selfies? This phone lets you take amazing ones. It comes with a 10 MP selfie camera. Every time you take a picture from it, it will turn out amazing!

Exceptional Performance Is A Treat For Gamers

Your gaming experience on Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 will be highly fulfilling! If you love playing extensive tournaments of hard-core games, this phone will let you do so quite well. No matter it’s a racing game or an action tournament, the graphics of the phone will enhance your pleasure level manifold.

As the display of the phone is huge, playing the game efficiently and defeating your opponents will become easier. It will let you check out all the intricate details, aiding you in winning all the games.

Long-Lasting Charging Makes It A Reliable Phone

People who are addicted to their phones hate the need to charge them so frequently. This is because it takes them away from their beloved gadget for some time. However, with the Samsung Galaxy Z fold 4, that won’t happen. This is because you won’t have to connect the phone to the charger too often. The one-time charge will make it work for quite some time, easily.

The long-lasting battery of this phone is a great plus point! It can serve you for around nine hours on a single charge, even if you use it continuously. The phone also charges quite fast. Within thirty minutes, its battery goes from zero to fifty percent!

Also, you won’t have to carry cables and wires everywhere you go! This phone comes with a wireless charging option, which surely reduces the hassle of tangled cords.

Why Would You Love to Have It?

The screen of this phone is a huge plus! It’s bright enough to make you fall in love with it. Alongside this, the taskbar is new, and it helps in multitasking. So, if you love doing a hundred things at a time, this is the gadget that will let you do so. Apart from this, the camera comes with a great improvement and offers an impressive figure of 50 MP. The long-lasting battery is also something that might entice you to have this phone.

Why Would You Want To Avoid it?

The phone is a little pricey. If you are tight on the budget, you may look for some alternate that offers almost similar features but at a lesser price. Apart from this, the display camera is 4 MP, and a lot of people don’t approve of it.

Final Thoughts

Samsung Galaxy Z fold 4 is a huge breakthrough in the world of gadgets. It’s a gadget that you can fold and unfold easily yet use just like a normal phone. Ever since it has been released, people are raving about its amazing screen and fantastic performance. If you have the budget and can afford it easily, you should definitely give it a try!