Pressure washer is an electronic device which is used to get rid of any mold, dust, dirt, mud, loose paint, mildew or chewing gum from any type of surface. In this gadget the water is sprayed at a very high pressure towards a surface which is to be cleaned.

Before buying best electric pressure washer we should look into the main features of the best electric pressure washer.

First on the list is its Pounds per square inch (PSI) water pressure. The PSI helps us to get rid of how much the strain is tough. If the strain is tough, then its PSI should be high but if the strain is soft or medium then its PSI should be low. The more PSI of washer the more it covers the area.

Second on the list is gallons per minute (GMI). The GMI helps to fasten the cleaning process as it depends on how much water is flowing through the hose. The higher the water flow rating is the larger surface it will be able to tackle in a given amount of time.

Third on the list is its cleaning power (CP). Cleaning power is the most important feature which you should know before buying best electric pressure washer we can get the CP of pressure washer, just multiply the PSI Number with the GMI number.

How to Use an Electric Pressure Washer?

A pressure washer has considerably more cleaning power then you think. it can do major injuries so you must make sure that you know how to use an electric pressure washer before you turn it on.

You should wear eye glasses and safety kit may be before using electric pressure washer. It decreases the risk of damage that can be happened at any time.

The force provided by the electric pressure washer also can damage plastic and glass materials so before using it, move glass or plastic materials out of way.

Hold the nozzle at the certain height for the surface so that it can easily removes the trash on the is also important to hold the nozzle at 45⁰, this will help directly to remove trash from the surface.

Move the nozzle in a side to side motion so that it covers more area to remove trash from the surface more quickly
After using a detergent in a pressure washer follow the instruction book to flush the system.

Electric Steam Pressure Washer

The basic pressure washer uses cold water which is adequate for many applications. If any additional cleaning power is required, we can use hot pressure to remove strain. In some cases, the strain is so strong that it can only be removed from the cleaning power of steam then we can use electric steam pressure washer to the process for very deep cleaning.

It can be used on both commercial and industrial scale for cleaning purpose. To create steam, the water temperature is lifted beyond 100 ⁰C by reducing the flow of water and keeping the heat exchanger work. because of its high water content wet steam is produce at 140 ⁰C. when temperature increases to 170 ⁰C then dry steam will produce. Without any need of chemicals steam pressure washer gives a deep cleaning.

Electric Heated Pressure Washer

Heated pressure washer is unique to the cleaning industry which is very useful for cleaning tough strains. It can clean oil strains; debris build on drive ways or to clean general surface at home or business places. Pressure washer machines generally used for heavy duty cleaning which can be done with heated or non-heated water pressure stream to remove heavy duty strains.

As we know that there are wide range of pressure washer available that make it more difficult to select the right one. The solution of this problem is that you should buy that product which lasts long. you should also ensure that you do your due diligence on the product and the manufacturer. Before taking the decision to purchase pressure washer, you should research for reviews, pricing and the product model, so you should be clear about every thing before buying the product.
Heated pressure washers are very useful for many purpose. Here are some of its features.

Electric Heated Power Pressure Washer for Clean, Safe and Quite Machine

Electric heated pressure washer didn’t produce fumes lie gas powered one that’s why it is a safer machine to use for indoor and outdoor to clean tough strains. this machine is lighter in weight because of that we can carry it everywhere and used in both indoor and outdoor purpose.

Effective Efficient Cleaning of Heated Power Pressure Washer

Heated pressure washer gives effective efficient cleaning because it generates hot water with a soap to remove grease and oil strains which are very difficult to remove from any other pressure washer. its efficiency depends on the PSI, the more PSI you have, the more efficient your cleaning will be because you can get more surface area cleaned in a shorter amount of time. When you use detergent with hot water, it also increases the efficiency as soap allows to break down the buildup that you are removing from the surface. At the end, the surface appears shiny and clean.

Removes Oil Strains

By using heated pressure washer, we can remove any type of grease, oil strains and any engine oil from our shops, garages, restaurant equipment’s and vehicles. When you get oil strain from your car, you can rely on heated pressure washer. Tractors, truck can be easily cleaned with the help of heated pressure washer.

Snap-on Electric Pressure Washer

Snap-on electric pressure washer is a top-notched unit that is highly recognized for tackling the toughest jobs. This washer has an electric motor of 13amp which is very powerful and long-lasting. A 25-foot-high pressure hose is fitted with this washer which makes it easier to move the pressure washer wherever you want. The unique thing in this (Snap-On electric) pressure washer is that it has 4 different nozzles including zero-degree nozzle, 25-degree nozzle, turbo nozzle and chemical nozzle. All this have different types of color so that we can choose the right one which we want to use.

Zero-degree nozzle with red tip produces a direct stream to remove dirt from concrete and cement floors. It can cause damage when used on cars and woods.

25-degree nozzle with green tip produces a less pressure to remove dirt from side walls, driveways.
Turbo nozzle produces a high-pressure water in a circular motion and mostly used in large areas such as parking plots and etc.

Chemical nozzle with black tip is used with detergent tan to apply chemicals and detergents to wet surfaces. It produces low pressure that allows the detergent to spray automatically. If u want to clean large area in a shorter time, then you should use chemical nozzle.

Electric Hot Pressure Washer

Most probably there are types of electric pressure washers. You can buy an electric hot pressure washer or electric cold pressure washer. It’s a price range difference between both because electric pressure washers are available with both functionalities.

There are many advantages of electric hot pressure washer as it softens the oil and grease. That is one remarkable feature for using pressure washer for cars.

One the second though, it uses less soap and detergent so electric hot pressure washer can saves you money also.
Electric hot pressure washer can also be used to clean our garage. As our garage floors are of concert, which are very hard to clean from pipe pressure so we should use electric hot pressure washer as in provides force to remove any type of strains from our garages.

It also helps to clean tiles floor by moderating the electric hot pressure washer. Drive pathways can also be cleaned by using his pressure washer. The important thing is that this washer can be used for many purposes.

Electric Pressure Washer Troubleshooting

All the electric pressure washers are tested to meet and often times exceeds industry standards if something goes wrong with your pressure washer it may be related to the usage, storage or maintenance.

This section deals with the most common problems cited by the pressure washer users and how to solve them?

Motor is Not Starting

If motor (of electric pressure washer) is not staring, check the on/off switch. Make sure the power cord is plugged in. check your extension cord to make sure that it is not too long, damaged or the wrong gauge. Your extension cord should be either 25-foot 16inch gauge cord or a 50-foot 14inch gauge cord. Perhaps the electric outlet didn’t supply the adequate power, you should try a different outlet. If you are using the pressure and the motor stops, the circuit breaker may be tripped. Let it rest 10 min and try to restart. It depends on the age of circuits and how many appliances are running off the circuit. It is possible that it may blow the fuse. If the fuse blows, try to use another outlet.

Unit Does Not Reach High Pressure

If your electric pressure washer doesn’t reach high pressure, it could be due to one of the following things.

  • The diameter of garden hose can be too small. The garden hose should be an inch or 5/8 in diameter.
  • The water supply can be restricted by the loop in the pipe so check the garden hose for kinks leaks and blockages.
  • The water filter can be clogged. Check the filter and rinse off with warm water if it is clogged.
  • The power nozzle can be in low position. Turn adjustable nozzle to the high pressure position.
  • Finally check all the hose and fittings to make sure that they are tight or the pump is sucking air. To correct this, turn the motor off, purge the pump by squeezing the trigger until a steady flow of water emerges through the nozzle.

Pump Pressure Varies

If pressure of electric pressure washer varies high or low or the pressure appears surging, check the following things.

  • The pump may be sucking air. To solve this, turn the unit off and purge the pump by squeezing the trigger until a steady flow of water emerges through the nozzle.
  • The water filter can be clogged. Check the filter and rinse off with warm water if it is clogged.
  • The discharged nozzle can be obstructed or you have a calcified gun hose or power nozzle. To discharge the obstructed nozzle, take the adjustable and gently tap it to dislodged blockage. Turn it upside down and run water through the gun for 20 seconds. Reattached the wand and water filter and try your machine again.

There is No Detergent Coming Out of Electric Pressure Washer

  • Make sure the detergent container is full.
  • Check all the connections, if the detergent is too thick, dilute it immediately.
  • Make sure that the adjustable nozzle is in low pressure mode, if it is in high pressure mode, it will not allow the detergent to flow through.
  • If the detergent is still not coming, put your thumb on the open end of the detergent suction tube, if there is no suction then the tube may have loose contact. Contact your customer care representative for assistance.
  • However, if you feel suction then your machine is working and may only be clogged.

To remove the clogs first, remove all wands from the gun. Fill the detergent solution reservoir with warm water and restart the pressure washer under low pressure setting. Pump it until the water is gone. This will remove until the remaining chemical solution from inside the reservoir. Repeat the process and adjust the nozzles again

Garden Hose Connection Leaks

It could be due to loose fitting or a missing of warn rubber washer. Tighten the fittings and insert the new warn washer to fix the problem.

Wand, Extension or Nozzle Leaks

It could be because it is not properly attached to the machine. Check that your wands or connections are properly locked into a position. Also check the O-ring or plastic inserts that they are broken or not. If they are broken then, call customer service operator to fix this problem.

Electric pressure washer Pump Makes Noise

If it is happening, then your pump is sucking air. Check that your hoses and fittings are airtight, turn off the machine and clean out the pump by squeezing the gun trigger until a steady flow of water comes through.

Dripping Oil

If your unit is dripping oil, then the oil seals are damaged or warn. Call the costumer service to repair it.

Motor Buzzes but Fail to Run

It could be because the voltage is not complete. Try another scout to give full voltage which the machine requires. If you are using extension cord, then check first that you are using the right extension cord from the manual.

With proper usage of electric pressure washer, it can be run for many years, just take a bit care of it and after using the machine place in that area where it is safe.

How to Winterize your Pressure Washer?

Winter condition can damage your pressure washer. To avoid this thing, you should follow the following things.

  • First empty the detergent tank.
  • Disconnect the detergent hose and place the detergent hose into the container to flush out the remaining detergent.
  • Now reconnect the hose and fill the detergent tank with fresh water and then flush the tank with the selected soap nozzle. Flush it until the tank is empty.
  • Make sure the pressure washer is turned off and disconnected to the water source. Also confirmed that no water is left in the tank by pressing the gun.
  • A pump saver can help you to protect the machine from winters. Connect the pump saver hose to pump inlet and now press the pump saver nob to release the anti-freeze content. Keep pressing until the fluid exits to the pump outlet.
  • Make sure that all hoses are properly closed or wound to avoided anything unusual. Place all accessories with the machine.
  • Store your pressure washer in your garage or in the shade and cover it with tarp so that it will protect your pressure washer from winters.

How Far Does an Electric Pressure Washer Work?

How far does an electric pressure washer works depend upon the power of your washer. You can read it in the manual or the specification that comes with the electric pressure washer. The purpose of an electric pressure washer is to give the desired pressure from a low pressure flow or stream to its input so you can increase it at desired distance.

How do I Flush Out an Electric Pressure Washer?

To flush out an Electric pressure washer is the most usual thing come to your mind when you are not using it .When things goes to storage, dirt gets in place which you always don’t want it to get. If you place your pressure washer in your garage, things will wink out if you not store it properly. So, Place the pressure washer on a flat surface and connect the garden hose with water supply. Now flush out water from the nozzle, clean all the hoses and valves properly. Before flushing out an electric pressure washer cover it properly and store it in a safe place lie your garage etc.

How to Adjust Pressure on Electric Pressure Washer?

It depends on the nozzle we use for electric pressure washer. Most probably there is a manual or catalogue comes with the pressure washer where you can find a chart to use with which nozzle you can get what pressure. It directly incorporates with PSI(pressure) and GPM(gallons per minute). There are nozzles come with an electric power pressure washer or you can buy these as addons.

How to Add Soap to Electric Pressure Washer?

Washing technology has now boosted a lot allows us to taste the improved process of washing. It becomes easy and quick to clean with the modern washing technology such as electric pressure washer. When you need to do a deep cleaning, it come handy to remove any type of strain with the help of water force and soap mixture. Some people which are new to that machine does not now how to add soap in electric pressure washer.

Generally, pressure washer comes with soap tank. If your pressure washer doesn’t have, then you will need to use a bucket and a hose with a weighted strainer at one end to deliver the soap from the bucket into the pressure washer.

  • Now put the hose with weighted strainer into the bucket. Please make sure that the strainer touches the bottom of the bucket. Fill the bucket with the soap or detergent and attach the other end of hose to the water inlet valve.
  • Please make sure that the pressure of the nozzle should be in low mode. It allows the soap to flow through the nozzle easily.
  • While using soap, try to wash from the bottom up and overlap each pass a little to avoid streaking and leaving some places unwashed.
  • After using soap or detergent, take the hose out of the bucket and take another bucket. Fill this bucket with water and now drop the hose in it. Press the nozzle now to flush out the remaining soap.
  • Now switch the washer to high pressure mode and rinse the surface from top to bottom. Make sure that all the soap or detergent is washed from the surface.
  • It is highly advised to check the instruction manual or guide book of that electric pressure washer.

How to Start an Electric Pressure Washer?

Using this type of machine is easy but it is important to know everything about the machine otherwise you can also harm the machine or have an ineffective cleansing reason.

To start an electric pressure washer, first make sure that the electric pressure washer in on flat surface. Now connect your electric pressure washer to the hose and the other end with water supply. Plug in the switch of washer to the high voltage socket. Choose your nozzle and fix it properly.

Turn on the pressure washer and allow water to fill the hose and the machine. Now your pressure washer is ready for use.

How to Add Pump Protector to an Electric Pressure Washer?

Pump protector protects your pressure washer pump from freezing, corrosion, mineral deposits and premature wear during extended storage. It is strongly recommended to use for pressure washers. It adds lubrication valves, pistons and seals to prevent sticking.

To add pump protector, first dislocate all hoses. Now unscrew valve from bottle and remove white stopper from top. Screw back valve onto the bottle. Now remove black protective cap from the bottle and fix it with garden hose inlet. Squeeze bottle to eject pump protector fluid into pump and turn on pressure washer until all the pump protector fluid pour out from the bottle, then turn the unit off. Now remove the bottle from garden hose and disposed the bottle. Your electric pressure washer is now protected.

When you are washing your car, it comes to your mind that pressure washer can also damage your car if unfortunately, the psi of electric pressure washer increases and can cause serious problem such as damages your car pain. So, it is essential to know that how many psi should we use for car detailing.

We have to choose a pressure washer with a range from 1200-1900 psi. At this range, electric pressure washer didn’t cause any damage to your car. Its safe to use for car detailing.


Electric pressure washer machines are user friendly. You can easily install it in your garage with protection cover. You can easily lift it because it is not heavy. It is not much difficult to use electric pressure washer. If you face any difficulty about how to use it, you can read the guide book and you can also take help from how to use electric pressure washer content.